Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Learning-Sign Language

This summer I think I am going to try to teach my kids some sign language. I was taught a little when I was in the first grade and really enjoyed it. I also learned some more at church when my youth group put on musicals. We always sang a song that we also signed to.

I have some sign language software that I have never used before, but thought I might start by teaching them some song/sign combos. I also learned the Pledge of Allegiance in school, and we could also work on that.

I started early with Logan and Carter, teaching them some baby signs. It was very helpful to Scott and me when they were too little to really tell us what they wanted. They learned signs for milk, please, thank-you and more. The girls have never really picked up on it.

I am hoping we will have an awesome summer and maybe learn something that everyone can enjoy along the way. My plan is to pick a song or paragraph to learn for the week, but maybe I should install the software and see what it says about how to learn the language first. I just have to modify it for the kids and thought songs would be a good way to start.

1 comment:

  1. Sign language has saved us with the boys! It really does help so much when they are too little to verbalize their needs & wants. In fact, Andrew still does signs without thinking about it...I think it's cute. We know signs for more, eat, drink, milk, all done, I love you, gentle...and maybe a couple of others. Good for you - what a fun summer project.
