Thursday, May 28, 2009

Learning More Signs

Last night I was working on the computer trying to learn some new signs for today's lesson when Malea came to watch. She sat right up to the table and tried to learn with me!

I found an area where I can learn by categories. I chose food and eating. We learned a couple of signs together and she was so proud of herself. I had her go and show Scott. He said she was beaming while she was showing what she had learned. He couldn't understand what she was saying while she was signing, but he didn't care since she was proud of herself.

She was signing cracker, corn-on-the-cob, popcorn and breakfast.

One-on-one would be great for me to teach them this, but I just don't have the time every day to commit to it.

I was excited to see this morning that Malea did remember most of what she learned the night before. Carter had no interest and eventually was sent to his room as to not disrupt the others while they learned. Grace tried to sing and sign and eventually signed more, milk, please and hungry! Logan told me that he's decided it's not so bad to learn sign language and even enjoys it! I think it's because today I decided to focus on the food and eating part. I also allowed him to watch the signs on the computer and he was able to pick out some signs he wanted to learn.

Hopefully we have found an area where they all will think it will be fun to learn. I would love to be able to continue this as a family project this summer.

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