Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The First After-School Play Date

Logan has been asking for weeks to have a friend over to play. I finally decided we are not going to slow down on the busyness around here and should just let him invite someone. Thankfully, he asked the boy who had him over last month. I felt like we owed him since he had Logan over. Not sure I should feel that way, but I do and if he invited someone else over then we'd still owe the first kid and the snowball would get bigger and bigger.

Anyway, I picked them both up from school and brought them home. Carter, too, was excited to have someone new at the house. He kept trying to enter the conversation, but Logan wouldn't allow it very easily. The boys had a snack and went downstairs where all the toys and fun stuff to do are located. It was no surprise that playing Wii was at the top of the list.

I did allow them to play some Star Wars on it due to the weather turning cold and it was still damp from the rain the night before. I did some things around the house trying not to interfere with their fun. Carter and the girls either watched them play the game or played with their toys downstairs. They kept playing and playing the Wii and finally I decided I needed to call Scott to ask his opinion about what I should have the boys do other than play Wii the whole time. He had a great suggestion of moving the cars out of the garage and letting them play basketball in there.

I had to repeatedly tell Logan to turn off the Wii, but when he did, him and his friend had a great time in the garage. The girls rode their bikes and played with toys. Thankfully, the boys let Carter play basketball with them. Scott got home and played one-on-three with them also. I guess the boys beat Scott and were beaming with pride over their victory!

Our first after-school play date was a success and Logan can't wait to have more! I have just decided that we are going to constantly be busy in one way or another and I need to allow my kids to have more fun. I need to not worry about how my house looks and have people over more. This is me and this is how I live. I need not sweat the constant toys all over or the piles of things I have everywhere.

More on the history of me later to come.

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